Tak hanya Adobe Reader yang dapat membuka Pdf namun alternativenya dapat menggunakan Nitro Pro yang merupakan versi terbaru saat ini. Nitro Pro merupakan sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk membuka dan mengedit segala dokumen dari format Pdf. Dari segi tampilan mungkin sangat mirip dengan Microsoft Office 2013 namun fitur-fitur terbarunya yang semakin ditingkatkan dalam versi terbaru ini.
Compare two documents and output the differences on a separate document.
• Measurement Tools to calculate distance, area, and perimeter.
• Spellcheck available in all editable text fields and text-based annotations.
• Batch Print a list of PDF files in a specified order.
• Whiteout information permanently fromthe document.
• Outlook Plugin to create PDFs directly fromemails, selected text and supported attachments.
• Nitro Cloud Integration allows for saving, sharing, collaborating and requesting signatures between Nitro Pro 9 and Nitro Cloud
Title : Nitro PDF Pro
Compare two documents and output the differences on a separate document.
• Measurement Tools to calculate distance, area, and perimeter.
• Spellcheck available in all editable text fields and text-based annotations.
• Batch Print a list of PDF files in a specified order.
• Whiteout information permanently fromthe document.
• Outlook Plugin to create PDFs directly fromemails, selected text and supported attachments.
• Nitro Cloud Integration allows for saving, sharing, collaborating and requesting signatures between Nitro Pro 9 and Nitro Cloud
Software & Link Information
Title : Nitro PDF Pro
Date Released : 2014
Version :
Category: Utility
Publisher: Nitro Software
Format : Exe
Size : 50 MB
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RXD Technology © 2014
RXD Technology © 2014
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