Selamat malam guys, kali ini admin akan membagi salah satu Game baru yang seru untuk dimainkan bagi pecinta Gamers dengan Grafik yang saya rasa sangat membanggakan, Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2 adalah salah satu sebuah game yang menceritakan tentang misi peperangan di Fuehrerbunker, sebuah kota yang penuh misteri. Anda akan berhadapan dengan mayat hidup atau Zombie pasukan Nazi. Dan dimulai itu, anda membasmi seluruh Zombie dengan senjata-senjata mematikan.

Screen shot Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2

Survive an all new stand-alone campaign for up to four players.
Endure increasingly hellish new locations and oppressive environments.
Confront blood-chilling new enemies including the Fire Demon, and Summoner.
Recoil at grotesque new enemies, effects and tense new cinematics.
Savour the all-new Carpenter-esque soundtrack inspired by slasher-horror cinema.
Experience the trademark sniping, blood-pumping sieges and co-op team play that made the original Nazi Zombie Army a Steam best-seller.
Revel in the return of the infamous X-ray kill cam as your bullets purify the putrid insides of the undead in slow motion.
Defy the odds and survive against overwhelming hordes with traps, explosives and powerful new machine-gun turrets.

System Requirements:
OS: Microsoft® Windows® Vista (Service Pack 2) or Windows® 7 or Windows® 8 (Windows® XP is NOT supported)
Processor: Dual-core CPU with SSE3 (Intel® Pentium® D 3GHz / AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4200) or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 compatible graphics card with 256 MB of memory (NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 series / ATI Radeon™ HD 3870) or better
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 6 GB available space
Sound Card: Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 compatible sound card or better

Software & Link Information

Title : Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2
Date Released : 11 November 2013
Version :  Sniper Elite
Category: Games
Publisher: Reciple
Format : DVD / ISO
Size : 4.7 GB (7 Part @Repack 650Mb)
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ID Admin: Reza Fahlevy

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Reza Fahlevy

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